Monday 9 April 2012

Dilly an George do dance

Still be bizzy do fotoes ov London.

Meenwile heer be video!

Dilly an George join in dance wiv Tchewdor an Stuart laydeez an Germs,
be wen in Tower Of London on Saterday.

Mummy say Dilly hat not be rite for Tchewdor or Stuart.
Say be Plan-tage-enet.
Dilly say,
shut up Mummy,
be pwinsess hat.

Big carsolly bilding in bakgrownd ov video be call White Tower.
Be vewy old.
Be oldest bit of Tower of London.
Wilyum Conkwer start bild in wat be call "11th Sentry". (Be big 2 yeers go)

Dilly hope all enjoy!
Now all be humming tewn over an over!
Tayke Mummy long time mayke video on pewter,
now Mummy be hum hum hum an tap toe!

Hav all go in middol an showt "HyyyyyyyyyyyyYUP!"

Be exslent fun!


Daisy said...

Dilly and George, you are both very good dancers. I think your princessy hat is just right for the occasion!

Jerry and Ben said...

That is a great video! We love all the historical sites in and around London! Papa has every Tudor movie ever made we think, and ugh, sometimes we have to watch them too, even though we would prefer Winnie the Pooh. Little bears can only take so much Elizabeth I movies... hehe

Feronia said...

Dilly and George be *exselent* dancers :)

Duke said...

What a great time you and George had, Dilly! I loved your video!

Love ya lots,

BumbleVee said...

Oh, no.....! why did I turn on the sound? I'll be humming it over and over all day too! and George were right on the money with the beat too.... great dancing you two! I bet that hat nearly flew off on one of the really good bounces... wheeeee.....

Beanie Mouse said...

That was a fabulous boogie dance!!! George said he was very happy to dance with you on Saturday!!!

Blue said...

This wonderful - so glad you had so much fun dancing @ the Tower Dilly.

Gentle tickles
Blue x

Lynda (Granny K) said...

First class dansin' Dilly! You crack me up with your comments - xx fnaarrr!