Dilly call hedgehog Hedgermahogin.
Dilly feed Hedgermahogin.
Get food reddy:
Dilly yewz flower-pot dish,
Corned Beef,
cat biskits.
Mayke ickol bits.
ickol wuns.
Hedgermahogin dor be under fence:
say, "Dinner reddy, Hedgie! Dinner be reddy now!"
Dilly come inside.
Not scare Hedgermahogin away.
Hedgermahogin be shy!
Dilly see if abol tayke sneeky foto layter,
but not want mayke Hedgie jump.
Mummy like hedgehogs.
Say, eet slugs in garden,
carfter flowers.
Like Hedgehogs too?
See in garden?
Wat feed?
Oh, I hope you get a photo of one Dilly... I've never seen a real one...I wish we had them in our garden. Maybe cuz we don't have many slugs...it is too dry here....
aw, lucky little hedgehog - you are such a caring dragon, Dilly. Yes, we have hedgehogs too. Now I know what to feed them, I may well put something out for them too.
ah you are a sweet princess! that is nice that you want to feed them! when I was a little girl I got to hold one.
Dilly - how did you get a hedgehog in your garden? Don't they dig things up? (Maybe I'm confusing them with something else...) I hope he likes the dinner you fixed for him, that was very thoughtful and kind of you.
The only creature (besides Yorkies) I've ever seen in our garden was a big frog and that was last year. I was afraid of it and my husband made fun of me. I still wonder were the frog went... LOL
i don't think i've ever seen a hedgehog in the wild! i just have the bunny (i named after my sweet mom) that is eating the leaves off 2 of my sunflowers! grrr~
You and your mama are such nature girls! If I was a hedgehog I'd want to live in your garden FOR SURE!
Did you get a sneaky photo? Did Mr. Hedgie like his dinner?
I've never seen a real live hadgehog before. I think I might mistake him for a squeaky toy.
Goober love & smooches,
THEY EAT SLUGS! Darn, we don't have hedgehogs over here. We have lost of slugs!
Hi Dilly... if this link works..you can see a better picture of my pretty princessy fairy.
I would love to have a hedgehog in my garden. I think cat food is fine for them to eat. Milk and bread are bad for them I think.
Not see real hedgermahogin?
Awwww por Bumblevee!
Dilly not abol get pic yet
but Dilly keep tryin.
MWEAH! hedgermahogins like cat food, like corned beef!
Mnorrrrr..... Dilly think Shrinky hav big garden, hedgermahogins mite hav playse sleep in big garden!
Hav compost heep?
Long an leafy pile?
Cud be hedgermahogin inside!
Dilly like hedgermahogin.
Wear long furry skirts!
Be cewt!
Mummy hold wun few weeks go.
Mummy reskew hedgermahogin, be stuk under fence.
Mummy set free,
get owt.
Hav carry hedgermahogin cross garden,
put safe under bush.
Fix hole by fence.
Now hedgermahogin be fwends,
com bak eech nite,
eet supper.
Dilly not think hedgermahogins dig things up. Sept slugs. An werms. Eet slugs an werms.
Be very noizy!
Go snufsnufsnufsnufsnufsnuf!
Sniffin for food!
Dilly hav frogs in garden too!
Sumtimes hav newts.
(Not menny)
NOT be fraid frogs!
Frogs be fun!
Ms Creek,
Awww Dilly sunflower die!
Mummy buy mor seeds,
start agen.
But waytin for rayne to stop ferst.
NOT be skweaky toy, Stanley!
Be all skratchy!
Hert gums!
Stanley awlways mayke Dilly LARF!
Norr Dilly not get pikcher yet.
Not yet.
Maybe hedgermahogin come on holiday, eet slugs. Hedgermahogin on holiday! FNNARRR!!!!!!! Dilly larf!
Be pwitty sessy fairy on big gween BUG!
Hedgermahogins eet cat food YUM!
Bred an milk be bad for hedgermahogin, mayke be bad tummy ache an poo an not be well.
No bred an milk.
Not good.
Cat food good.
I have a chipmunk in my garden! She's very cute. I don't think she eats slugs. She eats the birdseed that falls.
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