Tuesday, 27 May 2008

Dilly in garden

Dilly hav luvly woze in garden!
Dilly find wild flower.
Be calld,
Scarlet Pimpernel.
Be tiny!
Dilly put wun on nose!!!
Dilly think be like
scarlet pimpel!
Dilly see uther pwitty flower.
Mummy say be calld, SNAP-WAGON!
Dilly say,
WY be calld Snap-wagon?

Mummy show-
flower be closed,
look bit like face,
but wen skweeze at base,
open like mowth!

Dilly see luvly wagon-berd!
Be Blackberd.
Be boy.
If Blackberd be black, be boy.
If Blackberd be brown, be gerl.

Blackberd say, "HEWO, DILLY!"
Dilly like!

Hav garden?
Wat be in?

Wednesday, 21 May 2008

Dilly feed Hedgermahogin

Hedgehogs vizit Dilly garden.
Dilly call hedgehog Hedgermahogin.
Dilly feed Hedgermahogin.
Get food reddy:
Dilly yewz flower-pot dish,
Corned Beef,
cat biskits.

Dilly cut up meat.
Mayke ickol bits.
Dilly add crunchy biskits,
ickol wuns.
Dilly put dish near Hedgermahogin dor;
Hedgermahogin dor be under fence:

Dilly wisper at dor,
say, "Dinner reddy, Hedgie! Dinner be reddy now!"
Dilly come inside.
Not scare Hedgermahogin away.
Hedgermahogin be shy!
Dilly see if abol tayke sneeky foto layter,
but not want mayke Hedgie jump.

Mummy like hedgehogs.
Say, eet slugs in garden,
carfter flowers.
Like Hedgehogs too?
See in garden?
Wat feed?

Monday, 19 May 2008

Dilly be like medeevol pwinsess

Dilly an famly go vizit Cressing Temple Barns yestday.
Big barns be very old.
Be Medeevol.
Dilly dress as Medeevol Pwinsess for day.

Heer be Dilly by wun Medeevol barn in Medeevol Pwinsess hat:

Heer be Dilly by uther Medeevol barn in Medeevol Pwinsess hat:
Inside barns be lots things for sale.
Be Essex Food Show.
Heer be wat inside be like.
Lots wooden beems.

Awww.. wat be throo dor?Be tudor gardens.....Dilly go splore gardens....Dilly hav nice walk.
Find luvly pink flowers.
Sum plarnts be wagonny!Awww... wat be?
Look carsolly....
Dilly go vestigayte....
Be like ickol carsol!

Hav lots warter rownd.
Com owt gween fayces!
Dilly clime up hi,
see better.
Dilly see roof ov barn from up hi.
See Tewdor garden.
Dilly hav luvly day.
Pwitty gardens.
Pwitty hat.
Dilly be Medeevol Pwinsess.
Dilly like!

Friday, 16 May 2008

Dilly hav pwitty pink blossum

Dilly naybur hav pwitty tree.
Hav pink blossum.
Dilly like tree.
Wish Dilly hav tree wiv pink blossum too.

Wind blow!
Blossum land in Dilly garden.
Blossum want be wiv Dilly!

Dilly hav big blossum now!
Think pwitty?
Dilly like!

Monday, 12 May 2008

Dilly go in Race For Life wiv Mummy an lots laydys in pink

Dilly an Mummy go run Race For Life yestday.
Be big Charity Race.
Be laydys ownly.
(Boys smelly)

Mummy say race be 5km or 3.1 miles.
Dilly say, be 2 miles.

Mummy an Dilly get reddy for race:
Mummy hav notiss, say "1364".
Dilly not shor wat meen.
But Dilly hav notiss,
say "1364a",
as Dilly run wiv Mummy.Mummy an Dilly both hav sunglarsses:
Mummy an Dilly both hav bows,
both hav notisses on bak:
Race raize munny for cancer charity,
be calld Cancer Research UK
Laydys rite on bak hoo runnin for.
Mummy say,
run for Mary an Eithne (say like "Effna").
Theez be Daddy's arntys.
Both hav cancer.
Mummy also run for Giovanna,
be Mummy frend hoo died from cancer.
Dilly run for Figs an Mama.
Figs an Mama be cats,
died from cancer.
Figs be Mr Scooter an Miss Fluffy's sister.
Mama be Mama-cat.
Walk to Colchester Castle Park,
be where race start.
Gettin closer-
see pink throo trees!
Pink be colour for day!
See man taykin fotoes.
Man balance on old Roman Wall!
Waytin for race to start!
See Dilly?
Daddy say, not abol see under hat!
Mummy lift frunt ov hat.See ickol doggy, come to serpport wiv pink!All get reddy now!
Go to startin playce!
Daddy be on side, tayke fotoes.
Heer be start ov rayce.
All lined up reddy.Heer we all go!
Hey, laydys be dresst as pirates!
Laydys whare pink pjarmas!
Laydys be dresst like fairys!Daddy looz site ov Mummy an Dilly!
Do race, then find Daddy gen at end!
Dilly get to finish!
Arfter race, go to Cafe Rouge for lunch
Sit in open windo,
reddy to wayve at uther racers walkin by!
Dilly share Mummy's Seezer Salad:
Then all go bak to park,
hav carrot cayke, choklit biskitty things an tea:
Also hav ice creem
See ickol duks on park pond:
(Ahhhhh)Mummy see boat wiv Mummy's nayme on.
Mummy's nayme be Helena.
Go home,
be tired an happy!
Dilly try on medal:
Dilly like!If want help Dilly an Mummy,
can still donate!
Go to Dilly an Mummy's charity page, heer: