Wen Dilly be holiday,
see lots nice things.
Today Dilly tolk bowt wagonny type things.
Wen go in car, see log look like wagon.
Dilly showt "STOP! DADDY STOP CAR!"
Dilly think mite be komodo-wagon.

Wat think?

Be funny!
Daddy tayke Dilly see real wagons!

Laydy come giv talk bowt naykes an wagons.

Dilly sit at frunt wiv small peepol.
Dilly lissen tentivly to lekchor.

Laydy bring rownd big wagon.
Wagon nayme be Goliath.
Goliath be igwarna-wagon.

Dilly like Goliath's tail.
Tail be long.
Remind Dilly ov Chuck.
Mummy like Goliath's long toze!

Next, laydy bring big nayke.
Nayke be boa-constrikter.
Nayke nayme be Cuddles.

Cuddles hav yello frend calld Custard:

Dilly see ware naykes hang uo coats!

Next Dilly meet Skorpyun.
Skorpyun be calld Claw.

Arfter lekchor Dilly go splorin.
Find ickol water-wagons.

Wat be?
Water-wagon hav own CONE clekshun, like Dilly!

Water-wagon play "Pee poe!"

Dilly like beerdid-wagons.
Big beerdy like rest on lite,
warm tummy:

Dilly go say bye bye Custard:

An say bye bye Cuddles.
Dilly be neer Cuddles's fayce!
Dilly think Cuddles want Dilly bows.

On way owt, see sleepy skinks:

An straynge newty things.
Be calld axolotls.
Sine say be
very speshol newty things:
can grow up be big salamander-wagons!

Wite an pink wun be calld Noo Noo!

Dilly think dark wun be smilin:

Dilly go now!
Nex time blog bowt lots berds,
cloodin big vulcher an eegol!
Dilly like!