Tuesday, 5 July 2011

New Syentiffik Poll

Dilly be way long time,
think bowt noo kwestchun for peepol arnser.
Heewer be:

  • KWESTCHUN: If win lots lots lots munny, wat spend on?

  • ARNSER 1: Luvly noo wibbons, pink sessy dwesses, pink marshmallows for tea?

  • ARNSER 2: Lots pants, pants an mor pants, an choklit peanuts (brown)?

Pleez vote in poll on rite side ov Dilly blog.
Good luk!


Duke said...

Girly stuff is so much better than pants! We cast our vote, Dilly!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Raquel said...

I love pants! Voted for it :)

Jerry and Ben said...

Hope your'e not gone too long Dilly!

I think we like are variation of the pants, and that is some beary fun new sandals for the summer, but also for lots of toe wiggles for our pals.

Have a nice break from the blog, but come back soon!

your pals, Jerry and Ben

Asta said...

Dilly, this is vewy difficult
I mean, I AM a giwl, butttt, I do love choklits and I would want bof you and Bob to get all the stuff you want wif all that money
smoochie kisses

Feronia said...

Be in qwandry, Dilly. Love marshmallows AND chocklits. Hmmmm.

Daisy said...

Oh definitely ribbons and pretty pink dresses and marshmellers!

Beanie Mouse said...

Ummmm, see I like marshmallows in HOT chocolate and I like M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M&M choccie peanuts too. What if they were pink pants with frillie ribbons on??

Julie said...

Be noo ribbons, pink sessy dwesses, no qwestchun! Julie think Bob been gettin fwends to vote! Julie be happy to see Dilly gen :-) xxxx

Jeannette in CO said...

Dilly, your mommy should win enough money to get tons of goodies for both you and stinky Bob. And be able to hire some relief for herself and maybe even a new box of crayons.