Saturday, 24 December 2011

Wat Dilly be up to


Dilly not blog for long time.
Dilly be bein bizzy wagon.

Dilly been bridesmaid (prittiest)

Dilly help rap presents
(heer be calendar wiv wagon on)

Fnarr!!!!!! Scooter help too!

Dilly hav Crismoss Crib.
Ickol-Bayby-Cheeses not be heew yet.
But Mary hav teddy bear reddy for bayby!
(Cheeses hav suffer lots, eevn as bayby!)

Kings not be heew yet.
Heer be Kings coming along shelf.
Eetch King hav own cat.
(MWEAH! Card in bakgrownd be from Mrs Nesbitt!!)

Dilly hav Advent Calendar. Open eevn numbers. Bob open odd numbers as Bob be odd.
Today be last dor.
Be big dor!
Be last dor an be eevn number- so Dilly win agen!
Dilly goin open.

Be Mary, Joseff, Ickol-Bayby-Cheeses!
An hav bunnys an mouses, too!
Probly arfter stror bayby be lying on!
"Oi! Get off dinner!"

Dilly help Mummy mayke pre-Crismoss feest for fwends

Dilly carfter Granny

Dilly go shops today,
hav wun mor present by.
Be speshow present for wagon-berds in garden.
Be meealy-werms.

Robin luv!

Dilly help decorwayte tree...

Heew be Dilly fayvrit decorayshun!

Dilly do lots things.
Be sooooo bizzy, not abol do Crismoss cards.
Dilly go do New Yeer cards sted.
Dilly be diffent.
Dilly not be diktabol like stinky bear.

Wud like New Yeer card fwom Dilly?
Be shor Dilly hav address!
Email Mummy heer!

HAPPY CRISMOSS EVBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Duke said...

Wow! You have been very busy, Dilly! We hope you take time off for good behavior and have a Merry Christmas!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Julie said...

Dilly hav been soooooooooo busy! Dilly need rest. Have vewy Happy Crissmoss. Julie go bed now, Santa be here vewy soon! Ooh! Dilly be very pretty brydesmade. Mweah! Happy Crissmoss Dilly and evrybody at Dilly house. xxx

Beanie Mouse said...

HELLO DILLY!!! we missed you!! And yes, I'd love a wagony card from you!!! (so would George!)

Feronia said...

What a busy time you've been having, Dilly! You looked so beautiful in your bridesmaid clothes. Hope you had a lovely Christmas!! x