Monday, 11 April 2011



Dilly hav 2 berfdays evwy yeer, like Qween Lisbeth.
Today be ferst berfday this yeer.


Mummy wayke up Dilly.
(Dilly been sleep in box ov ribbons!)
Mummy say,
Dilly say, "Mnorr?" -Dilly forget!!!
 Dilly better go get dresst up for berfday KWIKLY!!!!
MWEAH! Be better!

Dilly open cards ferst!-

Awwww... be pwitty; be gween an pink an hav bow an flowers an cat (be fwom Mummy an Daddy)


Aww! Be long crocowagon!!!
Be fwom Bob, an Nessie, an Mr Scooter, an Pilchard Familee (familee ov cats awl calld Pilchard)


Awww be fwom Bob! Wat be? Wat be? (Be nice pink tishoo payper!)

Oh! Be new wibbon!!!! PINK wibbon!!!!!!

THANK Bob!!!! (Fnar! Dilly giv Bob hug! Bob not like! Fnar!)

Mmnnnnnnrrr....wat be? Long thin pwesent... be nayke????

HWWWWWAAAAAAA!!!!!!! Think ment be pensil. But Dilly think be better as magic fairwy wand!!!

...or....... be tikkol stik for tikkling Bob!!! FNAR!!! Bob not like!!!!

Nyumm!!! Choklit bug!!!

Ooooo Dilly hav LOTS pwesents!!!!

Choklit mousies! Be pink an wite....hmmm.... Dilly hav idea!

Giv wite choklit mousie Bob.....

....giv wite choklit mousie Daddy....

.....giv wite choklit mousie Nessie....

HWARRR!!!!!!!! Now Dilly hav awl PINK mousies!!!
Now larst pwesent. Hmnn be biggest!.......

Huwayyy!!!!!!!!!!!!! Be toy dinowagons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dilly goin hav fun ventchers bein dinowagon! Fnarr!

Dilly hav lotsa pwesents an luvly cards!!!!

Layter, hav cayke! An choklit cwossants an strorbry custerd (be pink custerd!) be luvly!!!!!!!!!!

Dilly happy wagon!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mnor? Wat age be??



Beanie Mouse said...

Pinky berfday TOOOO YUUUU!!! I shall tell George in time for your second 2nd berfday!!

Buttons the Bear said...

Happy Birthday Pink Dilly, Happy Birthday too you!

Dilly, since you are a princess, and close to the Queen, did you get an invite to the upcoming nuptials?

Asta said...

I couldn't believe my gots mowe pwesents than the queen I bet. I love youw magic wand, and youw bootiful cawds and youw wagon and oooh, those choclits..i bet Bob got ovew the hug, and the tickling once he got some of those yummies
Have a most wondewful day Dilly
You awe vewy bootiful!!!
smoochie kisses

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Dilly and am so glad you had a lovely day with all those presents. Hugs GJ x

Duke said...

You look just beautiful on your special day, Dilly! Happy birthday!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Daisy said...

Happy birthday, Dilly! You look pretty in your fancy princess suit.

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Happy Birthday Dilly! You look great.
I like pink also. Pink is the best color ever.
Sally Ann

Feronia said...

Happy Birthday Dilly!! I love your birthday outfit! So beautiful!! I'm so glad you had such a lovely day :)
PS Puff wishes you a lovely wagony birthday too x

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Dearest Princess Dilly....we wish you a most wonderful birthday a day late...we were working in the garden yesterday and did not even open the computer...boy you sure did get lots of fun things!! You deserve them and many more being the beautiful princess that you are...Bob was very nice to you and you shared your white mousies with all those you love....
Big hugs from Miss Peach

Di said...

Happy Birthday Dilly - you looked lovely! And clever move with the choklit mice :) Di x

Stardust said...

Happy belated berthday yur highness! A pwincess is best at 2 every yeer!

Your gown rocks!

Jerry and Ben said...

A beary, beary happy second birthday Dilly!!!!!!

Your pals, Jerry and Ben

The Teddy Bear Family said...

Perty birthday presents. Perty Dilly. Your birthday is the day after Tine's and Tine's stinky ole brother Tee.

We're going to petition Grandma to change our birthdays to April 11th now, and see if we can stay two, our tutus. kehehehehehe

Your Number One Fans,
Tine and Dee

Stanley said...

Sweet Sweet Dilly Girl!!!

Happy Happy First Birthday, my Princess Dragon friend! (You ARE royalty like queen, so of COURSE you get 2 birthdays!)

Stella says if she ever comes to visit she calls dibs on sleeping with you amongst your pool of ribbons! She gets a feeling you 2 would get along FAMOUSLY!

We here in GooberStan have missed you and hope to keep up with all your adventures better than we have recently (our girl has been sorely lacking in the secretarial department).

Goober love & smooches,
Stanley & Stella

Julie said...

Julie be bad fwend! Julie be on holeeday for Dilly berfday :-( Happy Berfday Dilly! Lots of lovely pink presents! xxxxx