Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Dilly by luvly card for Mummy

Mummy hav uther berfday.
How old?
Be big 2 now!!!
(Fnar. Dilly be cheeky wagon, say how old Mummy be.)

Dilly giv Mummy luvly sparkly card-

Dilly ryte on card,
Dilly poynt owt best bits cayse Mummy miss;
Dilly ryte "PINK" an "SPARKLY" an "FLWER".
Now Mummy not miss best bits.
Mummy fully preeshyate.

Dilly be exslent, genruss, helpfow wagon.


Daisy said...

Happy birthday to your mom! That is a very pretty card.

BumbleVee said...

What a pretty card Dilly! ... and...

Happy Birthday to Mommy, Happy Birthday to Mommy... Happy Birthday dear Dilly's Momeeeee...la la la la lala!!!!!

Duke said...

What a pretty card, Dilly! Happy birthday to your mummy!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Feronia said...

Dilly defnitely be exslent wagon :)

Beanie Mouse said...

SPiffy card!! Did you see that you and bob are in my blog header now?!

Ellen Whyte said...

Happy Birthday to Your Mummy!