THANK for doin poll!
(Well dun evbody. Be best arnser.)
Heer be video Bob arfter bath!
Mummy be dryin Bob wiv hair dryer an Bob not like!
But hav to dry,
as Bob wiv snotty cold be eevn mor noyin than Bob wivowt snotty cold!
So glad that I got to see that Video , but I must admit I felt tewwibull fow poow Bob..I, Asta don't like bafs eithew and have to be dwied wif that icky haiw dwyew.
Do you think Bob is ticklish? it seemed like he was .
Dilly, do you evew have to take bafs ow do wagons just shake off diwt?
smoochie kisses
Hooray!! Lovley vidyo of Bob all fluffy arfter baf! Poor Bob! Hehehe! Well, he woodnt want to get a n orribel cold would he? Well done Bob :) No more bafs for a year now..... at leest!
Asta, the hair dryer was kwyte nice on my bottom an wen I put my feet up in the air hahahahaha!!
Dilly has baths wiv Mummy. Tsk!
Julie, no no no, anuther 6 yeers at leest!!!
Bob's kinda whiney, huh, Dilly?
We're glad he's clean and dry!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Poor Bob - I hate blow-dryers too! At least you're all squeaky clean and sweet smellin' now, Bob. Dilly, you are a little wagony devil - thanks for the vid :)
whine, whine, whine.... I bet Bob smells a lot better now. Thanks for the em-bear-ass-ing video. hahahahahahahahahahahaha
Grr Dilly,
Thanks for sharing, hope there won't be any repercussions, like Bob posting your next bath.
Hey Buttons,that's an idea! HEHEHEHEH!
I guess a hair dryer is better then a trip through the clothes dryer!
Oh, whew....dim lighting....I was a bit worried for a minute.... because I just know we may have seen a fuzzy bear bum....
Hahaha! That made me smile real big!
Bears moan!
You do realise he'll try and get his own back now...?
Sweet Dilly Girl (my fave dragon babe in the world),
We know how much Bob's hygiene affects your life, so for that reason alone, we're glad he had the bath. But, you're giving ideas to Stella on how to punk me out to my friends. Not good, Dilly!
You know, Bob will be getting even with you, don't you? Please be careful, Dilly.
We love & miss you too!
Goober love & smooches,
POOR BOB! Cold after bath is the worst thing...
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