Happy Valentine Day Chuck!
Dilly post Valentine for Chuck 2 day errly!
Chuck be snowd in.
Lots sno whare Chuck liv!
Chuck be Dilly Valentine becos lots reezons.
Heer be reezons wy Chuck be Dilly Valentine:
(1) Chuck be wagon
(other 1) Chuck be gween
(other 1) Chuck mayke Dilly larf
(other 1) Chuck be luvley
(other 1) Chuck be hansum
(other 1) Chuck hav luvley tayle
(other 1) Chuck come slide down bannister wiv Dilly
(other 1) Chuck like bugz
(other 1) Chuck be clever
(other 1) Chuck be good speller
(other 1) Chuck be good blogger
(other 1) Chuck like be tickold
(other 1) Chuck like carsols
(other 1) Chuck like dwess like pie-rayte
(other 1) Chuck send Dilly luvley hat
(other 1) Chuck think Dilly be luvley
(other 1) Chuck be good fwend
(other 1) Chuck famly be good fwends
(2) Tommy Lee Jones auweddy hav gerlfwend
Dilly Dilly mee wuv yo valintin!
Dank u doh much cuz it mayk me smiow an waff an kwap! U suhch uh spezow dwagun. Me dum dee u dumdime! Wuv, Chuck
My mayd u uh Valentin tu Dilly dum dee mee bwog!
ahhhh! dilly that is so sweet of you! you are just so cute! :)
Very Very sweet Dilly!
Now what are your intentions with my nephew????
so when are you two going to meet?
is your brother bob going to beat up chuck, now?
Oh, good God.
Beat Chuck up?
I'll pak her soootcayse if yu like!
Thank Chuck!
Dilly luv Chuck valentyne for Dilly!
Dilly send hugs!
Dilly an Chuck go gliiiiiide,
go fly an vizit!
Vizit pirramids an go gliiiiiiide
rownd an rownd an rownd!
Go gliiiiiide rownd lots playses!
Gliiiiiiide rownd litehowses,
gliiiiide rownd trees,
go see giant redwood trees an go
gliiiiiiiiiide rownd!
Then Chuck come home see whare Dilly liv.
Dilly hav big wooden bannister!
Dilly an Chuck go gliiiiiiide
down bannister!
Then jump up an down on bed!
Then sniff pwitty flowers an hide,
then jump owt on Bob,
mayke Bob jump!
Then eet lots cayke!
Eet cayke wiv beetols in!
Dilly tentions wiv Chuck be fun!
Ms Creek,
Bob not beatup chuck.
If Bob freten Chuck Dilly giv Bob Hard Stare.
HArd Stare always werk on Bob.
Enyway Bob not boverd.
MWEAH! Dilly be cewt! MWEAH!
have a beautiful valentines day!
It sounds like you and Chuck have lots of plans to glide and play! Chuck is so excited about that! He has happy to have another dragon friend because dragons are rare and it takes very special people to be able to nurture and care for dragons. There are so many non-believers in this world that it makes it hard for dragons to survive. I am happy that you and Chuck have found each other! Chuck has never been or a carasol and doesn't know what it is but he sure wants to find out!
hav a happy St V day too! Mummy went to a.bannana site errlier an left a messidge. She sed yu hav a nice foto ov hands there. Dilly ownly hav small hands. Not abol play pyano. But do good hums. Can Chuck wissol?
Celebwation of life,
Nex time Dilly go wiv famly see carsols, Dilly tayke camra an mayke film for Chuck awl bowt carsol!
Hi Dilly. Happy Valentine's Day. I can whistle very loudly.
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