Send parsol for Dilly an Bob!!!
Bob hav mor fotoes on Bob blog,
but heer be Dilly fayvrit fotoes ov wat Stanley an Stella send!
Dilly inspekt AWL beads. Dilly think evrything be LUVLY!
See silver fish? Be very speshol!
Awl be very speshol things.
Be like big bag TREZURE!!!!!! lots pink ribbon!!!!
Stella mayke neklace for Dilly!
Be luvvvvvvvvvly!
Be pwinsessy!
Letter say, wen ware neklace, member 2 fluffy fayced goober doggys luv Dilly!
THANK Stanley an Stella!
Stanley an Stella be luvley fwends!
Be so kind!
Dilly be lukky pwinsess kno Stanley an Stella!
THANK for maykin Dilly happy!
Stanley an Stella be luvley fwends!
Be so kind!
Dilly be lukky pwinsess kno Stanley an Stella!
THANK for maykin Dilly happy!