Friday, 29 June 2007

Dilly find other pritty flowers in gardin

Dilly try blog yestday, try put pritty foto's on Dilly blog.
Masheen not werk.
Swallow ALL Dilly foto's, not put on blog.
Dilly kick masheen.
Masheen fixt.

Heer foto's, other pritty flowers in Dilly gardin......

Velerian.... awww....pritty pink. Fluffy.
Hebe be perply.

Norrr.... Dilly not kno wat be. Wat be?

Dilly hyde in poppys.
Wayte till smell Bear wolk parst.
Jump out showt "MWEAH! GOT!"

Pritty pink. Fluffy.

MWEAH! Dilly like!

Saturday, 23 June 2007

Dilly make film of mouse fwend!

Mouse liv under kitchen floor.

Dilly think mouse be cald Woodmouse.

Be Dilly fwend.

Dilly feed hazelnuts.

Mweah! Dilly like!

Friday, 22 June 2007

Dilly meet long stripey bug!

Dilly sit on rug in garden.
Bug come sit neer Dilly.

Bug got stripes!

Got BIG eyes!

MWEAH! Dilly like!

Wednesday, 20 June 2007

Cats at Granny's house

Dilly go Granny's at weekend.
See Mrs Fluffy.
See Mr Scooter.
Both cats big old cats.
Both black.
Brother an sister.
Both frendly.

Mrs Fluffy mor frendly.
Play game.
Hide in igloo.
Dilly staulk tail:
Mrs Fluffy called Mrs Fluffy cos Fluffy:

Mr Scooter called Mr Scooter cos scoot abowt.
Mweah. Not scoot abowt now. Too old.
Mr Scooter got hertin bones.
Walk vewy vewy slowwwwly.
Sleep LOTS.
Aw. Poor Mr Scooter:

Mweah! Dilly like cats!

Monday, 18 June 2007

Father's Day

Yestaday be Father's Day.
Dilly an brother, Bob, make Daddy card.
Buy pressies.
Bob giv Daddy cayke.
Dilly giv Daddy choklits.
Choklits nice.
Choklits hav GWEEN nuts inside.
MWEAH! Dilly like!

Saturday, 16 June 2007

Cat plays piano!

Dilly find film of cat.
Cat called Nora.
Cat like piano.
Not make BAD noise.
Nora play good tewn.

Wednesday, 13 June 2007


Dilly like wotch TV programs bowt 'modo wagons.
Bob (bruver) sumtimes say wagons not xist.
Wagons do xist!
Dis be 'modo wagon.
Grow big.
BIG wagons.
Mweah! Dilly like!

Tuesday, 5 June 2007

Dilly find very pritty wagon-berd.

Dilly go Colchester Castle Park.
See fancy duck.
Very hansum wagon-berd!

Daddy say called MANDARIN duck.
Mweah! Dilly like!